Sunday, October 15, 2023

The North Ship || Class 9 || Lesson 9 || All Stanza || Text || || Explanations || Summary || Hindi Translation || Word Meaning || Solution || Extra Question ||

Class 9 

Lesson 9

The North Ship
The North Ship

The author and the text:

Philip Larkin
Philip Larkin

Philip Arther Larkin ( 1922 - 1985) was a renowned English poet and novelist. His first book of poetry was The North Ship, followed by two novels, Jill and A Girl in Winter. He came to prominence in 1955 with the publication of his second collection of poems, The less Deceived, followed by The Whitsun Weddings and High Windows. He was offered the position of poet Laureate in 1984 but he declined. 
This poem describes the journey of three ships that head to different destinations. While two ships return, one presses forward and perils to continue its long onward journey, almost like a symbol of aspiration that overcomes all obstacles. 
(फिलिप आर्थर लार्किन (1922 - 1985) एक प्रसिद्ध अंग्रेजी कवि और उपन्यासकार थे। उनकी कविता की पहली पुस्तक द नॉर्थ शिप थी, उसके बाद दो उपन्यास, जिल और ए गर्ल इन विंटर आए। वह 1955 में अपने दूसरे कविता संग्रह, द लेस डिसीव्ड, उसके बाद द व्हिटसन वेडिंग्स और हाई विंडोज़ के प्रकाशन से प्रसिद्धि में आये। उन्हें 1984 में कवि पुरस्कार विजेता के पद की पेशकश की गई थी लेकिन उन्होंने इसे अस्वीकार कर दिया।
यह कविता तीन जहाजों की यात्रा का वर्णन करती है जो विभिन्न गंतव्यों की ओर जाते हैं। जबकि दो जहाज लौटते हैं, एक आगे बढ़ता है और अपनी लंबी आगे की यात्रा जारी रखने के लिए जोखिम उठाता है, लगभग आकांक्षा के प्रतीक की तरह जो सभी बाधाओं को पार कर जाता है।)


Explanation of Stanza One:

I saw three ships go sailing by,
Over the sea, the lifting sea,
And the wind rose in the morning sky,
And one was rigged for a long journey.

In the first stanza of ‘The North Ship,‘ the speaker offers a wealth of imagery to describe a seemingly ordinary moment. It begins with the passage of three ships “over the sea, the lifting sea”, identifying one as being “rigged for a long journey”. Throughout the poem, the speaker’s descriptions of the sea and the wind are constantly shifting. Yet, in this first stanza, conditions appear rather ideal, especially for the three vessels about to begin their respective journeys.
('द नॉर्थ शिप' के पहले छंद में, वक्ता एक सामान्य प्रतीत होने वाले क्षण का वर्णन करने के लिए प्रचुर मात्रा में कल्पना प्रस्तुत करता है। इसकी शुरुआत तीन जहाजों के "समुद्र के ऊपर से गुजरने" से होती है, जिसमें से एक की पहचान "लंबी यात्रा के लिए तैयार" के रूप में की जाती है। पूरी कविता में, वक्ता का समुद्र और हवा का वर्णन लगातार बदल रहा है। फिर भी, इस पहले चरण में स्थितियाँ आदर्श प्रतीत होती हैं, विशेषकर उन तीन जहाजों के लिए जो अपनी-अपनी यात्राएँ शुरू करने वाले हैं।)

Explanation of Stanza Two:

The first ship turned towards the west,
Over the sea, the running sea,
And by the wind was all possessed
And carried to a rich country.

The first ship is described as turning westward, diverging from the other two. The diction of this stanza indicates that the westbound ship fairs the best of the trio. For one, they experience a swift journey thanks to the “running sea” and being “possessed” by the wind. In this way, they are “carried” to their destination, which itself implies the relative ease with which they reach it. On top of that, their destination is revealed to be “a rich country” . So not only is the first ship’s journey relatively easy, but it’s also quite profitable.
(पहले जहाज को अन्य दो से अलग होकर पश्चिम की ओर मुड़ते हुए वर्णित किया गया है। इस छंद की शैली इंगित करती है कि पश्चिम की ओर जाने वाला जहाज तीनों में से सर्वश्रेष्ठ है। एक के लिए, वे "बहते समुद्र" और हवा द्वारा "कब्जे में" होने के कारण एक तेज़ यात्रा का अनुभव करते हैं। इस तरह, उन्हें उनके गंतव्य तक "पहुंचाया" जाता है, जिसका तात्पर्य सापेक्ष आसानी से होता है जिसके साथ वे उस तक पहुंचते हैं। इसके अलावा, उनका गंतव्य "एक समृद्ध देश" बताया गया है। इसलिए पहले जहाज की यात्रा न केवल अपेक्षाकृत आसान है, बल्कि काफी लाभदायक भी है।)

Explanation of Stanza Three:

The second ship turned towards the east,
Over the sea, the quaking sea,
And the wind hunted it like a beast
To anchor in captivity.

In the third stanza of ‘The North Ship,‘ the speaker turns their attention to the second ship. This one heads east and immediately sees a change in fortune. Unlike the calm and swift waves that have been described by the speaker up to this point, the second ship encounters a “quaking sea”. In addition to the violent waters, the wind is also rendered virulent and personified as a hunter that hounds the ships across the sea “like a beast”.
     After such a harrowing journey, the ship is greeted not with riches like the first ship but rather a dreadful fate: “To anchor in captivity”. If the first ship was an example of everything going right on a journey, then the second is, without a doubt, the worst-case scenario.
('द नॉर्थ शिप' के तीसरे श्लोक में, वक्ता अपना ध्यान दूसरे जहाज की ओर आकर्षित करता है। यह पूर्व की ओर मुख करता है और तुरंत भाग्य में बदलाव देखता है। इस बिंदु तक वक्ता द्वारा वर्णित शांत और तेज़ लहरों के विपरीत, दूसरा जहाज "कांपते समुद्र" का सामना करता है। हिंसक जल के अलावा, हवा को भी उग्र बना दिया गया है और एक शिकारी के रूप में चित्रित किया गया है जो "एक जानवर की तरह" समुद्र में जहाजों का पीछा करता है।
     इतनी कष्टदायक यात्रा के बाद, जहाज का स्वागत पहले जहाज की तरह धन-संपत्ति से नहीं, बल्कि एक भयानक भाग्य से किया जाता है: "कैद में लंगर डालने के लिए"। यदि पहला जहाज यात्रा में सब कुछ सही होने का उदाहरण था, तो दूसरा, बिना किसी संदेह के, सबसे खराब स्थिति है।)

Explanation of Stanza Four:

The third ship drove towards the north,
Over the sea, the darkening sea,
But no breath of wind came forth,
And the decks shone frostily.

The speaker then focuses on the final ship and its northern course. Here, Larkin uses much more ambiguous diction to describe both the sea and the wind. A “darkening sea” is bleak but not malicious like the one experienced by the second ship, while the absence of wind might mean a long journey, but that’s arguably better than being hunted by a storm.
     The cold weather encountered on its journey into the north is illustrated via imagery — “And the decks shone frostily” — and the sluggish movement that characterizes the stanza.
(इसके बाद वक्ता अंतिम जहाज और उसके उत्तरी मार्ग पर ध्यान केंद्रित करता है। यहां, लार्किन समुद्र और हवा दोनों का वर्णन करने के लिए बहुत अधिक अस्पष्ट शब्दावली का उपयोग करता है। एक "अंधेरा समुद्र" अंधकारमय है, लेकिन दूसरे जहाज द्वारा अनुभव किए गए अनुभव की तरह दुर्भावनापूर्ण नहीं है, जबकि हवा की अनुपस्थिति का मतलब लंबी यात्रा हो सकती है, लेकिन यह तूफान से पीड़ित होने की तुलना में यकीनन बेहतर है।
     उत्तर की ओर अपनी यात्रा के दौरान झेले गए ठंडे मौसम को कल्पना के माध्यम से चित्रित किया गया है - "और डेक ठंढे ढंग से चमक रहे थे" - और सुस्त गति जो छंद की विशेषता है।)

Explanation of Stanza Five:

The northern sky rose high and black
Over the proud unfruitful sea,
East and west the ships came back
Happily or unhappily

The fifth stanza of ‘The North Ship’ narrates the return of the first two ships. The speaker opens the stanza still focused on the “northern sky”, which might indicate they are still looking for the third ship’s return on the horizon. They also describe the sea as “proud unfruitful”, another example of personification that characterizes the expansive waters as tumultuous and futile.
     Given how the first ship experienced a fair journey through apparent chance and the second suffered — this is a pretty apt description. As a result, the ships return either “happily or unhappily”, but they do return eventually.
('द नॉर्थ शिप' का पाँचवाँ श्लोक पहले दो जहाजों की वापसी का वर्णन करता है। वक्ता अभी भी "उत्तरी आकाश" पर केंद्रित छंद खोलता है, जो यह संकेत दे सकता है कि वे अभी भी क्षितिज पर तीसरे जहाज की वापसी की तलाश कर रहे हैं। वे समुद्र को "अभिमानी निष्फल" के रूप में भी वर्णित करते हैं, मानवीकरण का एक और उदाहरण जो विशाल जल को उथल-पुथल और व्यर्थ के रूप में चित्रित करता है।
     यह देखते हुए कि कैसे पहले जहाज ने स्पष्ट संयोग के माध्यम से एक निष्पक्ष यात्रा का अनुभव किया और दूसरे को नुकसान उठाना पड़ा - यह एक बहुत ही उपयुक्त वर्णन है। परिणामस्वरूप, जहाज या तो "खुशी से या नाखुश" लौटते हैं, लेकिन वे अंततः लौटते हैं।)

Explanation of Stanza Six:

But the third went wide and far
Into an unforgiving sea
Under a fire-spilling star,
And it was rigged for a long journey.

The final stanza reveals that the third ship has not yet returned, as its journey, compared to the other two ships, is far longer. Once again, the speaker mingles a certain longing bittersweetness with their choice of diction: the sea the ship travels on is “unforgiving”, but the majestic beauty of it sailing beneath a “fire-spilling star” alludes to more romantic sentiments.
There is even a sense of optimism that’s quietly implied by the way the third ship has surpassed the obstacles it encounters in stanza four. Although it hasn’t reached its destination yet, it continues to sail “wide and far”, undeterred by the sea and more than prepared for what lies ahead.
     The fact that the poem ends by repeating the last line of the fourth stanza punctuates the idea that the third ship’s endurance is crucial to the poem’s theme. One could even read the final line as a sort of cyclical allusion that the ship has actually made it to another port and is being once again made ready for another long journey.
(अंतिम छंद से पता चलता है कि तीसरा जहाज अभी तक वापस नहीं आया है, क्योंकि अन्य दो जहाजों की तुलना में इसकी यात्रा बहुत लंबी है। एक बार फिर, वक्ता ने अपनी भाषा की पसंद के साथ एक खास तरह की लालसा भरी कड़वाहट को मिला दिया है: जिस समुद्र पर जहाज यात्रा करता है वह "अक्षम्य" है, लेकिन "आग फैलाने वाले तारे" के नीचे नौकायन करने वाली इसकी राजसी सुंदरता अधिक रोमांटिक भावनाओं की ओर इशारा करती है।
यहाँ तक कि आशावाद की भावना भी है जो चुपचाप इस बात से झलकती है कि जिस तरह से तीसरे जहाज ने श्लोक चार में आने वाली बाधाओं को पार कर लिया है। हालाँकि यह अभी तक अपने गंतव्य तक नहीं पहुँचा है, फिर भी यह समुद्र की परवाह किए बिना और आगे जो होने वाला है उसके लिए पूरी तरह से तैयार होकर, "दूर और दूर" तक यात्रा करना जारी रखता है।
     यह तथ्य कि कविता चौथे श्लोक की अंतिम पंक्ति को दोहराकर समाप्त होती है, इस विचार को विरामित करती है कि तीसरे जहाज का धैर्य कविता के विषय के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। कोई अंतिम पंक्ति को एक प्रकार के चक्रीय संकेत के रूप में भी पढ़ सकता है कि जहाज वास्तव में दूसरे बंदरगाह पर पहुंच गया है और एक बार फिर उसे एक और लंबी यात्रा के लिए तैयार किया जा रहा है।)

Textual Questions: 

Exercise 1

Tick the correct from the given alternatives:

(1) The number of ships sailing by were —
(a) three ✔
(b) two
(c) five
(d) four

(2) The wind carried the first ship to a —
(a) big country
(b) small country
(c) rich country ✔
(d) distant country

(3) The second ship turned towards the —
(a) west
(b) north
(c) south
(d) east ✔

(4) The decks of the third ship shone —
(a) brightly
(b) frostily ✔
(c) clearly
(d) dimly

(5) The northern sky rose over the —
(a) unfruitful sea ✔
(b) kind sea
(c) stormy sea
(d) calm sea

(6) The third ship was rigged —
(a) long journey ✔
(b) short journey
(c) slow journey
(d) quick journey

Exercise 2

Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:

(a) What did wind do to the second ship?
Ans:- When the second ship started its journey the wind hunted it like a wild beast. It kept the ship in captivity and could not continue with its long onward journey.

(b) Give any two points difference between the  journey of the third ship and the other two ships.
Ans:- Firstly, the first two ships were attacked and held captive by the wind while the third one was not attacked by wind and it moved freely. Secondly, the first two ships return back while the third one continues with his long journey overcoming obstacles in its way. 

Grammar in use:
Exercise 3

Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal given in the list below. Change the form if necessary. There are two extra phrasal verbs.

(a) The child resembles his grandfather. 
Ans:- The child takes after his grandfather.

(b) They published a magazine recently.
Ans:- They brought out a magazine recently.

(c) My mother taught me not to disrespect anyone.
Ans:- My mother taught me not to look down upon anyone.

(d) We should abolish bad habits.
Ans:- We should give up bad habits.

(e) A new university was built at Coochbehar.
Ans:- A new university was set up at Coochbehar.

[Phrasal verbs: bring out, set up, put up, run after, give up, look down upon, take after] 

Exercise 4

Do as directed:

(a) The man was so weak that he could not walk. ( rewrite using ‘too’)
Ans:- The man was too weak to walk.

(b) Titir is one of the most intelligent girls in the class. (rewrite using the positive degree of the underlined adjective)
Ans:- Very few girls are as intelligent as Titir in the class.

(c) As soon as he reached home, it started raining heavily. (Change into a negative sentence)
Ans:- No sooner had he reached home than it started raining heavily.

 (d) Why cry over spilt milk? ( Change into an assertive sentences)
Ans:- It is useless to cry over spilt milk.

 (e) Blood is thicker than water. (Change into an interrogative sentence)
Ans:- Is not blood thicker than water?

(f) He told a lie intentionally. (Rewrite using the noun form of ‘intentionally’)
Ans:- He told a lie with intention.

(g) Run fast or you will be late. ( Change into a complex sentence)
Ans:- If you don’t run fast, you will be late.

(h) The reporter made the news public. (Rewrite using the verb form of ‘public’)
Ans:- The reporter publicized the news.

Exercise 5

Write a newspaper report within 100 words on the effect of a devastating flood in your district based on the following hints:
[Midnapore district-month of July – heavy rainfall – rivers overflowing-trees uprooted, many villages flooded- loss of human and animal life-rescue operations-steps taken by the government]


A Devastating Flood Causes Havoc In Midnapore

Midnapore, 20 July 2022: Due to heavy rainfall in the month of July, Midnapore district has been affected. Rivers were overflowing due to heavy rainfall. Also it took a toll on the lives of the people. Trees were uprooted causing much trouble. Many villages also got flooded. As a result of this, there was heavy loss of human lives. Not only human lives but it affected animals and birds too. It caused much loss to the environment. Government took steps and immediately carried out the rescue operation. The operation was carried out successfully and people were moved to safe places. Government has promised to help the affected people.

Exercise 6

Imagine that you and your friend are sailors of two ships that have recently returned from their voyages. Write a dialogue within 100 words on the different experiences of your voyages.

Mausumi : Hello Purba, how are you?

Purba : Hello Mausumi I’m good. I heard that you recently went on a voyage. How was it?

Mausumi : Yes, it was wonderful. I have been to the Netherlands.

Purba: Wow, that is amazing. I too had been to America recently. Our ship’s name was ‘Little Titanic.’

Mausumi : Sounds interesting. We had a great time with other sailors who were much experienced and guided us throughout the journey.

Purba : Even though I had a good time and not only that but I learnt many things from other team mates.

Mausumi : We are lucky to have experienced such beautiful journeys.

Purba : Absolutely. We should go together some day.

Mausumi : This is an awesome idea. We should definitely go.

Purba : I have to leave now. I will see you later.

Mausumi : Sure. Good day.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

His First Flight || Class 9 || Lesson 8 || All Unit || Text || Hindi Translation || Word Meaning || Solution || Extra Question ||

Class 9

Lesson 8

His First Flight

His First Flight

The author and the text : 

Liam O'Flaherty
Liam O'Flaherty

Liam O'Flaherty (1896 - 1984) was a significant Irish novelist and short story writer and a major figure in the Irish literary renaissance. His most famous books include The informer, Return of the Brute, House of Gold etc. His First Flight, a short story which symbolizes the nervousness and experience before doing something new, is regarded as one of his most famous works.
The following text, an abridged version of this short story, is about a young seagull and his experience of learning how to fly. The story focuses on how fear must be conquered before one may achieve anything of significance, like the young seagull, who had to be brave in order to fly.
(लियाम ओ'फ्लेहर्टी (1896 - 1984) एक महत्वपूर्ण आयरिश उपन्यासकार और लघु कथाकार और आयरिश साहित्यिक पुनर्जागरण में एक प्रमुख व्यक्ति थे। उनकी सबसे प्रसिद्ध पुस्तकों में द इनफॉर्मर, रिटर्न ऑफ द ब्रूट, हाउस ऑफ गोल्ड आदि शामिल हैं। उनकी पहली उड़ान, एक छोटी कहानी जो कुछ नया करने से पहले घबराहट और अनुभव का प्रतीक है, को उनके सबसे प्रसिद्ध कार्यों में से एक माना जाता है।
निम्नलिखित पाठ, इस लघु कहानी का संक्षिप्त संस्करण, एक युवा सीगल और उड़ना सीखने के उसके अनुभव के बारे में है। कहानी इस बात पर केंद्रित है कि युवा सीगल की तरह, किसी भी महत्वपूर्ण चीज़ को हासिल करने से पहले डर पर कैसे विजय प्राप्त की जानी चाहिए, जिसे उड़ने के लिए बहादुर होना पड़ता है।)


The Young seagull was alone on his ledge. His two brothers and his sister had already flown away the day before. He had been afraid to fly with them. When he had run forward to the brink of the ledge he became afraid. The great expense of the sea stretched down beneath, and it was miles down. He felt certain that his wings would never support him. So he bent his head and ran away back to the little hole where he sleepy at night. His father and mother had come around calling to him shrilly. But for the life of him he could not move. 
     That was twenty-four hours ago. Since then nobody had come near him. The day before, he had watched his parents flying about with his brothers and sister. They were teaching them the art of flight and how to dive for fish. he had seen his elder brother catch his first herring, while his parents circled around proudly.
     The sun was now ascending the sky, blazing warmly on his ledge that faced the south. he felt the heat because he had no eaten since the previous nightfall. Now there was not a single scrap food left in the straw nest. His little grey body trotted back and forth on the ledge. He was trying to find some means of reaching his parents without having to fly. But on each side of him the ledge ended in a sheer fall, within the sea beneath. He could surely reach them without flying if he could only move northwards along the cliff. But then on what could he walk? There was no ledge, and he was not a fly.
     He stepped slowly out to the brink of the ledge. He stood on one leg with the other leg hidden under his wing. Closing one eye and then the other, he pretended to be falling asleep. Still his parents took on notice of him. He saw his two brothers and his sister lying on the plateau. They were dozing, with their heads sunk into their wings. His father was preening his feathers on his white back. Only his mother was looking at him. She was standing on a little high hump on the plateau, eating a piece of fish. The sight of the food maddened him.
     "Ge, ga, ga," he cried, begging her to bring him some food. "Gaw-ool-ah," she screamed back. He kept calling, and after a minute or so, he uttered a joyful scream. His mother had picked up a piece of fish and was flying across to him with it. But when she was just opposite to him, she halted, her wings motionless. The piece of fish in her beak was almost within reach of his beak. He waited a moment in surprise, wondering why she did not come nearer. And then, maddened by hinger, he dived at the fish.
     With a loud scream he fell outwards and downwards into space. Then terror seized him and his heart stood still. But it only lasted a moment. The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards. The wind rushed against his breast feathers, then under the stomach and against his wings. He could feel the tips of his wings cutting through the air. He was not falling headlong now. He was soaring gradually downwards and outwards. He was no longer afraid. Then he flapped his wings once and he soared upwards. He uttered a joyous scream and flapped them again. He soared higher. His mother flew past him, her wings making a loud noise. he answered her with another scream. Then his father flew over him, screaming. Then he saw his two brothers and his sisters flying around him. 
     He saw a vast green sea beneath him, and he turned his beak sideways and crowed amusedly. His parents and his brothers and sister had landed on this green floor in front of him. They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly. He dropped his legs to stand on the green sea.
     His feet sank into the sea, and them his belly touched it and he sank no further. He was floating on it. And around him his family was screaming, praising him.
     He had made his first flight.

Hindi Translation:

यंग सीगल अपनी कगार पर अकेला था। उसके दो भाई और उसकी बहन एक दिन पहले ही उड़ गए थे। वह उनके साथ उड़ने से डरता था। जब वह कगार के किनारे तक आगे दौड़ा तो वह डर गया। समुद्र का विशाल बहाव नीचे तक फैला हुआ था, और वह मीलों नीचे था। उसे यकीन था कि उसके पंख कभी उसका साथ नहीं देंगे। इसलिए उसने अपना सिर झुकाया और वापस उस छोटे से छेद की ओर भाग गया जहाँ वह रात को सोता था। उसके पिता और माँ उसे जोर से पुकारते हुए आये थे। लेकिन अपने जीवन के लिए वह हिल नहीं सका।
     वह चौबीस घंटे पहले की बात है. तब से कोई भी उसके पास नहीं आया। एक दिन पहले, उसने अपने माता-पिता को अपने भाइयों और बहन के साथ उड़ते हुए देखा था। वे उन्हें उड़ने की कला और मछली के लिए गोता लगाना सिखा रहे थे। उसने अपने बड़े भाई को पहली हेरिंग पकड़ते देखा था, जबकि उसके माता-पिता गर्व से उसके चारों ओर घूम रहे थे।
     सूर्य अब आकाश में चढ़ रहा था, दक्षिण की ओर मुख किये हुए अपने कगार पर गर्माहट बिखेर रहा था। उसे गर्मी महसूस हुई क्योंकि पिछली रात से उसने कुछ नहीं खाया था। अब भूसे के घोंसले में एक भी टुकड़ा भोजन नहीं बचा था। उसका छोटा भूरा शरीर कगार पर आगे-पीछे घूम रहा था। वह बिना उड़ान भरे अपने माता-पिता तक पहुंचने का कोई साधन ढूंढने की कोशिश कर रहा था। लेकिन उसके दोनों ओर का किनारा नीचे समुद्र के भीतर, एक सरासर गिरावट में समाप्त हो गया। यदि वह केवल चट्टान के साथ उत्तर की ओर बढ़ सकता तो वह निश्चित रूप से बिना उड़ान भरे उन तक पहुंच सकता था। लेकिन फिर वह किस सहारे चल सकता था? वहाँ कोई कगार नहीं था, और वह कोई मक्खी नहीं था।
     वह धीरे-धीरे कगार के किनारे तक निकल गया। वह एक पैर पर खड़ा था और दूसरा पैर अपने पंख के नीचे छिपाकर। एक आंख और फिर दूसरी बंद करके उसने सोने का नाटक किया। फिर भी उसके माता-पिता ने उस पर ध्यान दिया। उसने देखा कि उसके दो भाई और उसकी बहन पठार पर पड़े हुए हैं। वे ऊँघ रहे थे, उनके सिर उनके पंखों में धँसे हुए थे। उसके पिता उसकी सफ़ेद पीठ पर अपने पंख लगा रहे थे। बस उसकी माँ ही उसे देख रही थी. वह पठार पर एक छोटे से ऊँचे कूबड़ पर खड़ी होकर मछली का एक टुकड़ा खा रही थी। भोजन को देखकर वह पागल हो गया।
     "गे, गा, गा," वह चिल्लाया, उससे कुछ खाना लाने के लिए विनती की। "गौ-ऊल-आह," वह वापस चिल्लाई। वह पुकारता रहा, और एक-दो मिनट के बाद, उसने एक खुशी भरी चीख निकाली। उसकी माँ ने मछली का एक टुकड़ा उठाया था और उसे लेकर उसकी ओर उड़ रही थी। लेकिन जब वह उसके बिल्कुल विपरीत थी, तो वह रुक गई, उसके पंख गतिहीन हो गए। उसकी चोंच में मछली का टुकड़ा लगभग उसकी चोंच की पहुंच के भीतर था। वह आश्चर्य में एक पल इंतजार करता रहा, सोचता रहा कि वह करीब क्यों नहीं आई। और फिर, हिंगर से परेशान होकर, उसने मछली पर गोता लगाया।
     एक तेज़ चीख के साथ वह बाहर और नीचे अंतरिक्ष में गिर गया। तब भय ने उसे पकड़ लिया और उसका हृदय ठिठक गया। लेकिन यह केवल एक क्षण तक चला। अगले ही पल उसे महसूस हुआ कि उसके पंख बाहर की ओर फैले हुए हैं। हवा उसके सीने के पंखों पर, फिर पेट के नीचे और पंखों पर दौड़ी। वह अपने पंखों की नोकों को हवा से काटता हुआ महसूस कर सकता था। अब वह सिर के बल नहीं गिर रहा था. वह धीरे-धीरे नीचे और बाहर की ओर उड़ रहा था। उसे अब कोई डर नहीं था. फिर उसने एक बार अपने पंख फड़फड़ाये और वह ऊपर की ओर उड़ गया। उसने एक ख़ुशी भरी चीख निकाली और उन्हें फिर से फड़फड़ाया। वह और ऊँचा उड़ गया। उसकी माँ तेज़ आवाज़ करते हुए उसके पास से उड़ी। उसने उसे दूसरी चीख के साथ उत्तर दिया। तभी उसके पिता चिल्लाते हुए उसके ऊपर से उड़ गए। तभी उसने अपने दोनों भाइयों और बहनों को अपने चारों ओर उड़ते हुए देखा।
     उसने अपने नीचे एक विशाल हरा समुद्र देखा, और उसने अपनी चोंच को बगल में घुमाया और मनोरंजनपूर्वक काँव-काँव करने लगा। उसके सामने इस हरे फर्श पर उसके माता-पिता और उसके भाई-बहन उतरे थे। वे उसे इशारे से बुला रहे थे, जोर-जोर से पुकार रहे थे। उसने हरे समुद्र पर खड़े होने के लिए अपने पैर नीचे कर दिए।
     उसके पैर समुद्र में डूब गए, और उसका पेट उससे छू गया और वह फिर नहीं डूबा। वह उस पर तैर रहा था. और उसके चारों ओर उसका परिवार चिल्ला रहा था, उसकी प्रशंसा कर रहा था।
     उन्होंने अपनी पहली उड़ान भरी थी|

Textual Questions:

Exercise 1

Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:

(1) At night the seagull slept in a little
(a) nest
(b) hole 
(c) turret
(d) burrow

(2) The ledge faced the
(a) north 
(b) south
(c) east
(d) west

(3) The colour of the seagull's body was
(a) red
(b) black
(c) blue
(d) grey 

(4) The two brothers and sisters of the seagull were lying on the
(a) plain
(b) plateau 
(c) valley
(d) hill

(5) The mother seagull had picked up a piece of
(a) meat
(b) insect
(c) fish 
(d) straw

Exercise 2

Answer the following questions within fifteen words:

(a) What was the first catch of the seagull's older brother?
Ans:- Herring was the first catch of the young seagull’s older brother.

(b) Why did the seagull feel the heat?
Ans:- The young seagull felt hot because the sun was now ascending the sky, blazing on his ledge and he had not eaten since the previous nightfall.

(c) Why did the seagull dive at the fish?
Ans:- Maddened by hunger, the seagull dived at the fish.

(d) What happened when the seagull soared upwards?
Ans:- The seagull flapped his wings once and soared upwards.

Exercise 3

Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:

(a) Why was the seagull afraid when he ran forward to the brink of the ledge?
Ans:- The seagull felt certain that his wings would never support him to fly.

(b) What were the seagull’s two brothers and sister doing on the plateau?
Ans:- They were dozing, with their heads sunk into their wings.

(c) What happened after the seagull's feet sank into the sea?
Ans:- His feet sank into the sea, and then his belly touched it and he was floating on it. And around him his family was screaming, praising him.

Grammar in Use:

Exercise 4

Change the parts of speech of the given words in the chart:





















Exercise 5

Rewrite the sentences changing the form of the underlined words as directed:

(1) He is known for his honesty. (change into adjective form)
Ans:- He is honest that is known.

 (2) She spoke with kindness. (change into adverb form)
Ans:- She spoke kindly.

(3) The sun shone brightly. (change into noun form)
Ans:- The sun shone with brightness.

(4) She gave a wise judgment. (change into verb form)
Ans:- She judged wisely.

Exercise 6

Write a paragraph within 100 words on the water cycle using the following flow-chart:
water evaporates from water bodies – rises as vapour – gets heavier – condenses,
[water evaporates from water bodies - rises as vapour - gerts heavier - condenses, forms clouds – falls to earth as rain]

the water cycle

     Water cycle is an important process in nature. It goes through some process. To begin with, water is evaporated from water bodies like rivers, lakes, etc. Then it rises as vapour. Then the water gets heavier. It then condenses and forms clouds. After this, the cloud becomes cool. The clouds fall on the earth in the form of rain.

Exercise 7

Write a summary of the following passage within 100 words:

Communication is part of our everyday life. We greet one another, smile or frown, depending on our moods. Animals too, communicate. Just like us, interaction among animals can be both verbal and non-verbal. Singing is one way in which birds can interact with one another. Male blackbirds often use their melodious songs to catch the attention of other blackbirds. These songs are usually rich in notes, encoding various kinds of messages. Songs are also used to keep off other birds from their territory, usually a place where they dwell. Large mammals in the oceans sing too, according to adventurous sailors. Enormous whales groan and grunt while smaller dolphins and porpoises whistle and click. These sounds are surprisingly received by other mates as far as several hundred kilometers away. Besides singing, body language also forms a large part of animals’ communication mode. Dominant hyenas exhibit their power by raising the fur hackles on their necks and shoulders, while the submissive ones normally surrender to the powerful parties by crouching their head low and curling their lips a little, revealing their teeth in friendly smile. Insects such as wasps armed with poisonous bites or stings usually have brightly painted bodies to remind other predators of their power.

     Communication plays a key role in everyone’s lives, be it humans or animals or birds. The way humans communicate through certain words or gestures, animals too do the same thing. They also use both verbal and non-verbal ways to communicate with each other. Singing is one way in which birds can interact. While some birds like male blackbirds use their melodious songs. According to some sailors, large mammals in the oceans sing too. Enormous whales groan and grunt while smaller dolphins and porpoises whistle and click. Body language has an important place in animals’ communication. Even insects bite as a form of communication.

Tom Loses a Tooth || Class 9 || Lesson 7 || All Unit || Text || Hindi Translation || Word Meaning || Solution || Extra Question ||

Class 9 

Lesson 7

Tom Loses a Tooth
Tom Loses a Tooth

The author and the text:

Mark Twain
Mark Twain
Mark Twain (1835 - 1910), pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clements, was an American author and humorist. He wrote The Adventures of Tom Swayer and its sequel. The Adventures of Huchleberry Finn. He helped to create and popularize a distinctive line of American literature based on American themes and longuage.
This text is an extract from Mark Twain's novel The adventures of Tom Swayer. The story is about the childhood pranks of a young boy who is looking for ways to avoid going to school but is caught in his own trap.
(मार्क ट्वेन (1835 - 1910), सैमुअल लैंगहॉर्न क्लेमेंट्स का छद्म नाम, एक अमेरिकी लेखक और हास्यकार थे। उन्होंने द एडवेंचर्स ऑफ टॉम स्वेयर और इसका सीक्वल लिखा। हचलेबेरी फिन के कारनामे। उन्होंने अमेरिकी विषयों और भाषा पर आधारित अमेरिकी साहित्य की एक विशिष्ट श्रृंखला बनाने और लोकप्रिय बनाने में मदद की।
यह पाठ मार्क ट्वेन के उपन्यास द एडवेंचर्स ऑफ टॉम स्वेयर से लिया गया उद्धरण है। कहानी एक युवा लड़के की बचपन की शरारतों के बारे में है जो स्कूल जाने से बचने के तरीके ढूंढ रहा है लेकिन अपने ही जाल में फंस गया है।)


Tom always found Monday mornings to be miserable. Monday began another week's slow suffering in school. 
     Tom lay thinking. Presently, he wished that he was sick: then he could stay home from school. He investigated his body with the hope of finding some ailment. He thought that he had found symptoms of sdtomach trouble. He began to grow hopeful. However, the stmptops soon grew feeble and wholly went away. 
     Tom thought further. Suddenly he discovered something, One of his upper front tereth was toose. He felt lucky. He was about to groan when it occured to him that if Aunt Polly was to know she would surely pull it out and that would hurt. Tom thought he would hold the tooth in reserve for the present. He remembered hearing from a doctor that a certain ailment could lay up a patient for there days and make him loosse a finger. He did not know the necessary symptoms. However, it seemed like a god chance. Tom fell to groaning. But his brother Sid slept on.
     Tom groaned louder. He fancied that he began to feel pain in the toe. No response came from Sid. Tom then startrd a succession of groans. However, Sid snored on.
     Tom became excited. He said, "Sid, Sid!" and shook him. This course worked well. Sid yawned, then raising himself on his elbow, started at Tom. Tom went on groaning.
Sid said, "Tom ! Say Tom !"
No respoinse.
"Here, Tom! Tom ! What's the matter, Tom ?"
Sid shook him and looked in his face anxiously.
Tom moaned out: "Oh, don't, Sid. Don't shake me."
"Why, what's the matter, Tom ? I must call auntie."
"No, never mind. It'll be over by and by, maybe. Don't call anybody."
"But I Must ! Don's groan so, Tom, it's awful. HOw long jhave you been this way?"
"Hours. Ouch ! Oh, don't stir so, Sid. You'll kill me."
"Tom, why didn't you wake me sooner ? Oh, Tom you aren't dying. are you? Don't Tom, oh don't."
"I forgive everybody, Sid. Tell them so."
Sid had rushed to call help.
Tom's imagination was worlking perfectly by now and his groans had gasthered a genuin tone.
Meanwhile, Sid flew downstairs and said: "Oh, aunt Polly, come! Tom's dying!"
"Yes. Don't wait, come quick."
"What rubbish! I don't believe it."
She flew upstairs with Sid and Mary, Tom's cousin, Her face grew pale and her lips trembled. When she reached the bedside, she gasped out:
"Tom! Tom, What's the matter with you?"
"Oh, auntie, I'm-"
"What is the matter with you child?"
"Oh, auntie, my toe is paining."
The old lady sank into a chair. She laughed a little, then cried a little. Then she said.
"Tom, what a shock you did give me! Now shut up the nonsense and get out of this." The groans ceased. The toe pain vanished, Tom felt a little foolish and said, "Aunt Polly, how my tooth aches! The pain is more than that in my toe."
"Your tooth, indeed! What's the matter with your tooth?"
"One of them is loose and it aches awfully."
"There, there, now don't begin that groaning again. Open your mouth. Tour tooth is loose but you're not going to die for that. Mary, get me a silk thread." Tom said: "Oh, please auntie, don't pull it out. it doesn't hurt any more. Please auntie, I don't want to stay home from school."
"So all that was because you wanted to stay home from school and go fishing? Tom, Tom, I love you so much and you try to break my heart in every way with your naughtiness!"
     By this time the dental instrument was ready. The old lady fastened one ed of the silk thread to Tom' tooth and the other end to the bed-post. She pulled and the tooth hung dangling by the bed post. Tom now had a gap in his upper row of teeth. This enabled him to smile in a new and admirable way. 

HIndi Translation:

(टॉम को सोमवार की सुबह सदैव कष्टकारी लगती थी। सोमवार को स्कूल में एक और सप्ताह की धीमी पीड़ा शुरू हुई।
     टॉम लेटा हुआ सोच रहा था। वर्तमान में, वह चाहता था कि वह बीमार होता: तब वह स्कूल से घर पर रह पाता। उन्होंने किसी बीमारी का पता चलने की आशा से अपने शरीर की जांच की। उसने सोचा कि उसमें पेट की परेशानी के लक्षण पाए गए हैं। वह आशान्वित होने लगा। हालाँकि, स्टैम्पटॉप्स जल्द ही कमज़ोर हो गए और पूरी तरह से ख़त्म हो गए।
     टॉम ने आगे सोचा। अचानक उसे कुछ पता चला, उसका एक ऊपरी सामने वाला टेरेथ भी ढीला था। वह खुद को भाग्यशाली महसूस कर रहा था। वह कराहने ही वाला था कि तभी उसे ख्याल आया कि अगर आंटी पोली को पता चल गया तो वह निश्चित रूप से इसे बाहर निकाल देगी और इससे बहुत दुख होगा। टॉम ने सोचा कि वह दाँत को फिलहाल सुरक्षित रखेगा। उसे एक डॉक्टर से यह सुनना याद आया कि एक विशेष बीमारी एक मरीज को कई दिनों तक परेशान कर सकती है और उसकी एक उंगली खो सकती है। उन्हें जरूरी लक्षणों का पता नहीं था. हालाँकि, यह एक ईश्वरीय अवसर की तरह लग रहा था। टॉम कराहते हुए गिर गया। लेकिन उसका भाई सिड सोया रहा।
     टॉम और जोर से चिल्लाया। उसे लगा कि उसके पैर के अंगूठे में दर्द होने लगा है। सिड की तरफ से कोई जवाब नहीं आया. इसके बाद टॉम ने कराहना शुरू कर दिया। हालाँकि, सिड खर्राटे लेता रहा।
     टॉम उत्साहित हो गया. उन्होंने कहा, "सिड, सिड!" और उसे हिलाया. यह कोर्स अच्छा चला. सिड ने जम्हाई ली, फिर अपनी कोहनी के बल खड़ा होकर टॉम की ओर देखने लगा। टॉम कराहता रहा।
सिड ने कहा, "टॉम! कहो टॉम!"
कोई प्रतिक्रिया नहीं|
 "यहाँ, टॉम! टॉम! क्या बात है, टॉम?"
सिड ने उसे हिलाया और उत्सुकता से उसके चेहरे की ओर देखा।
टॉम ने कराहते हुए कहा: "ओह, मत हिलाओ, सिड। मुझे हिलाओ मत।"
"क्यों, क्या बात है, टॉम? मुझे आंटी को फोन करना होगा।"
"नहीं, कोई बात नहीं। शायद यह धीरे-धीरे खत्म हो जाएगा। किसी को फोन मत करना।"
"लेकिन मुझे अवश्य! डॉन कराह रहा है इसलिए, टॉम, यह भयानक है। तुम कितने समय से इस तरह से हो?"
"घंटे। आउच! ओह, इतना मत हिलाओ, सिड। तुम मुझे मार डालोगे।"
"टॉम, तुमने मुझे जल्दी क्यों नहीं जगाया? ओह, टॉम तुम मर नहीं रहे हो। क्या तुम हो? मत करो टॉम, ओह मत करो।"
"मैं सबको माफ करता हूं, सिड। उन्हें ऐसा बताओ।"
सिड मदद बुलाने के लिए दौड़ा था।
टॉम की कल्पना अब तक पूरी तरह से काम कर रही थी और उसकी कराह ने एक वास्तविक स्वर प्राप्त कर लिया था।
इस बीच, सिड नीचे उड़ गया और बोला: "ओह, आंटी पोली, आओ! टॉम मर रहा है!"
"हाँ। रुको मत, जल्दी आओ।"
"क्या बकवास है! मैं इस पर विश्वास नहीं करता।"
वह टॉम के चचेरे भाई सिड और मैरी के साथ ऊपर उड़ी, उसका चेहरा पीला पड़ गया और उसके होंठ कांपने लगे। जब वह बिस्तर के पास पहुंची, तो उसकी सांसें थम गईं:
"टॉम! टॉम, तुम्हें क्या हुआ है?"
"ओह, आंटी, मैं-"
"तुम्हारे साथ क्या बात है बच्चे?"
"ओह, आंटी, मेरे पैर के अंगूठे में दर्द हो रहा है।"
बुढ़िया एक कुर्सी पर धँस गई। वह थोड़ा हँसी, फिर थोड़ा रोयी। फिर उसने कहा.
"टॉम, तुमने मुझे कितना झटका दिया! अब बकवास बंद करो और इससे बाहर निकलो।" कराहना बंद हो गया. पैर के अंगूठे का दर्द गायब हो गया, टॉम को थोड़ा मूर्खता महसूस हुई और उसने कहा, "आंटी पोली, मेरे दांत में कितना दर्द हो रहा है! दर्द मेरे पैर के अंगूठे से भी ज्यादा है।"
"वास्तव में आपका दांत! आपके दांत में क्या समस्या है?"
"उनमें से एक ढीला है और उसमें बहुत दर्द हो रहा है।"
"वहां, वहां, अब दोबारा वह कराहना शुरू मत करो। अपना मुंह खोलो। टूर दांत ढीला है लेकिन तुम इसके लिए मरने वाली नहीं हो। मैरी, मुझे एक रेशम का धागा लाओ।" टॉम ने कहा: "ओह, प्लीज आंटी, इसे बाहर मत निकालो। अब दर्द नहीं होगा। प्लीज आंटी, मैं स्कूल से घर नहीं रहना चाहता।"
"तो यह सब इसलिए था क्योंकि तुम स्कूल से घर पर रहना चाहते थे और मछली पकड़ने जाना चाहते थे? टॉम, टॉम, मैं तुमसे बहुत प्यार करता हूँ और तुम अपनी शरारतों से हर तरह से मेरा दिल तोड़ने की कोशिश करते हो!"
     इस समय तक दंत चिकित्सा उपकरण तैयार हो गया था। बुढ़िया ने रेशम के धागे के एक सिरे को टॉम के दाँत से और दूसरे सिरे को बिस्तर की चौकी से बाँध दिया। उसने खींचा और दांत बिस्तर के खंभे से लटक गया। टॉम के दांतों की ऊपरी पंक्ति में अब गैप था। इससे उन्हें नए और सराहनीय तरीके से मुस्कुराने में मदद मिली।    

Textual questions: 

Exercise 1

Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:

(1) Tom felt miserable on the mornings of
(a) Sunday
(b) Monday 
(c) Thursday
(d) Saturday

(2) If Aunt Polly was to know that Tom had a loose tooth, she would
(a) call a doctor
(b) bring him some medicines
(c) surely pull it out 
(d) tell him to rest

(3) Tom drew his sore toe from under the
(a) sheet 
(b) blanket
(c) pillow
(d) mosquito-net

(4) Sid flew down the stairs to call
(a) the doctor
(b) Mary
(c) the nurse
(d) aunt Polly 

(5) The thread that Mary got aunt Polly was made of
(a) cotton
(b) jute
(c) silk 
(d) wool

Exercise 2

Answer the following questions within fifteen words:  

(1) Which one of Tom's teeth had come loose?
Ans:- One of Tom's upper front teeth had come loose.

(2) How are Sid and Mary related to Tom?
Ans:-  Sid is Tom’s brother and Mary is Tom’s cousin. 

(3) Why did Tom ask Sid not to stir him?
Ans:- Because, one of Tom’s toes was paining.

(4) Why did Tom pretend his toe was paining?
Ans:- Because, Tom wished to stay at home instead of going to school.

Exercise 3

Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:

(1) What did Tom remember hearing from a doctor?
Ans:- Tom remembered hearing from a doctor that a certain ailment could lay up a patient for three days.

(2) How did Aunt Polly react to the news that Tom was dying?
Ans:- Aunt Polly’s face grew pale and her lips trembled.

(3) How was Tom's loose tooth taken out?
Ans:- Aunt Polly fastened one end of the silk thread to Tom’s tooth and the other end to the bed-post. She pulled and the tooth hung dangling by the bed-post.

Grammar in Use:

Exercise 4

Do as directed:

(a) Rafique was running fast. (change into an interrogative sentence)
Ans:- Was not Rafique running fast ?

(b) The boy would never forget the exciting incident. (change into an affirmative sentence)
Ans:- The boy would always remember the exciting incident.

c) We had a wonderful time last evening. (change into an exclamatory sentence)
Ans:- Ah ! what a wonderful time we had last evening.

(d) He loves to play football. (change into an interrogative sentence)  
Ans:- Does he not love to play football ?

(e) Rina tried all her plans. (change into a negative sentence)
Ans:- Rina had not tried any plan.

(f) Shut the door, Robin. (change into an assertive sentence)
Ans:- Robin Shut the door.  

Exercise 5

Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs from the list given below. Change the form of verbs where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list:

(a) The enemy surrendered without a fight.
Ans:- The enemy gave in without a fight.

(b) The child recovered in a month.
Ans:- The child came round in a month.

(c) The police investigated the case.
Ans:- The police looked into the case.

(d) Puja could understand what her sister said.
Ans:- Puja could make out what her sister said.

(e) The old man could not remember his childhood experiences.
Ans:- The old man could not call up his childhood experiences.

[List of phrasal verbs: look into, make out, look for, come round, give in, call up]


Exercise 6

Write a newspaper report on a road accident within 100 words. Use the following hints:
[brake failure of a bus-collided with a truck-5 injured including a child and a woman-injured sent to hospital-released with first aid-traffic disrupted-police intervened-normalcy restored]


Manikchak, 27th January 2020: A terrible bus accident occurred yesterday at Manikchak in Malda. At least 5 people injured including a child and a woman in this accident.
     The accident took place when a speedy Malda Town bound bus failed its break at a place between Manikchak and Mathurapur and collided with a truck in a very horrible manner. The driver of the bus told that the bus collided with the truck because the brakes of the bus failed. About five persons were injured which consisted of a child and a woman too. The public immediately sent them to Manikchak Hospital. All the injured people were released with first aid. The police was informed as soon as the accident occurred. The traffic was disrupted for half an hour. Finally, the police intervened and restored normalcy.


Friday, October 6, 2023

Mild the Mist upon the Hill || Class 9 || Lesson 6 || All Stanza || Poem || Explanations || Summary || Hindi Translation || Word Meaning || Solution || Extra Question ||

Class 9

Lesson 6

Mild the Mist upon the Hill
Mild the Mist upon the Hill

Emily Jane Bronte
Emily Jane Bronte

The poet and the text:

Emily Jane Bronte (1818 - 1848) was an English poet and nevelist, best remembered for her only novel, Wuthering Heights, long considered a classic of English literature.

     In this poem the blue mist that surrounds the distant mountain reminds the poet of the happy days of youth and childhood that she left behind. As she describes the landscape, she shifts from ythe present moment to the poet, and then to the present again.


Mild the Mist Upon the Hill : Analysis

Explanation of Stanza One

Mild the mist upon the hill
Telling not of storms tomorrow;
No, the day has wept its fill,
Spent its store of silent sorrow.

As previously mentioned, the poem immediately attempts to create a peaceful and natural image for the viewer: a misty hilltop. This image works well to frame a poem with, because it’s an open concept without specific connotations that would tie the image irrevocably to an idea in the reader’s mind.
     The rest of the verse uses personification to create a metaphor for the daytime, suggesting that rainy days are sorrowful ones, because the “day has wept its fill.” The alliteration continues in the final line, where every word that’s longer than three letters begins with the same letter, which is a strong finish to the verse, considering that it begins in a similar fashion.
     This kind of pattern allows Brontë to create a concept that is both open and meaningful, because while her intentions with the poem’s meaning are unclear, she does make heavy use of poetic devices, along with word choice such as “storms,” “wept,” and “sorrow.” This creates a very noticeable atmosphere for the piece that is unmistakable to the reader, even as they interpret the images and metaphors in their own unique way: the mild mist upon the hill means that the world is taking a break from being sorrowful.
(जैसा कि पहले उल्लेख किया गया है, कविता तुरंत दर्शकों के लिए एक शांतिपूर्ण और प्राकृतिक छवि बनाने का प्रयास करती है: एक धुंधली पहाड़ी चोटी। यह छवि एक कविता को फ्रेम करने के लिए अच्छी तरह से काम करती है, क्योंकि यह विशिष्ट अर्थों के बिना एक खुली अवधारणा है जो छवि को पाठक के दिमाग में एक विचार से अपरिवर्तनीय रूप से बांध देगी।
     बाकी कविता दिन के लिए एक रूपक बनाने के लिए मानवीकरण का उपयोग करती है, यह सुझाव देती है कि बरसात के दिन दुखद होते हैं, क्योंकि "दिन पूरी तरह से रो चुका है।" अनुप्रास अंतिम पंक्ति में जारी रहता है, जहां तीन अक्षरों से अधिक लंबा प्रत्येक शब्द एक ही अक्षर से शुरू होता है, जो कि कविता का एक मजबूत अंत है, यह देखते हुए कि यह समान तरीके से शुरू होता है।
     इस प्रकार का पैटर्न ब्रोंटे को एक ऐसी अवधारणा बनाने की अनुमति देता है जो खुली और सार्थक दोनों है, क्योंकि कविता के अर्थ के साथ उसके इरादे अस्पष्ट हैं, वह काव्यात्मक उपकरणों का भारी उपयोग करती है, साथ ही "तूफान", "रोना" जैसे शब्द चयन भी करती है। "और" दुःख। यह उस टुकड़े के लिए एक बहुत ही ध्यान देने योग्य माहौल बनाता है जो पाठक के लिए अचूक है, भले ही वे छवियों और रूपकों की व्याख्या अपने अनूठे तरीके से करते हैं: पहाड़ी पर हल्की धुंध का मतलब है कि दुनिया दुखी होने से छुट्टी ले रही है।)

Explanation of Stanza Two

O, I’m gone back to the days of youth,
I am a child once more,
And ‘neath my father’s sheltering roof
And near the old hall door

In the second verse of ‘Mild the Mist Upon the Hill’, the poem introduces a character to serve as its narrator, and this is an uncommon place to introduce narration. Normally, a poem would not shift between third-person and first-person viewpoints at all, and if it does, it would typically not do so after only one verse. In hindsight, the first verse now reads more like the observations of an unhappy individual, reflecting or lamenting upon any one of many possible things.
     Their observations from the first verse cause them to imagine that they are a child again, inside their father’s house, described as being a “sheltering roof.” This is an interesting choice of words by Brontë — “house,” “home,” “protection,” and many other words could have had a similar effect.
     The use of the word “sheltering,” however, suggests a need on the speaker’s part, an innermost desire: the need to feel safe. Brontë’s choice of words is crucial to conveying this — beginning the verse with “O,” for instance, and even describing the “old” hall door adds a level of detail that suggests longing. Something about the simple view held by the speaker makes them feel both nostalgic and unsafe, though the poem continues to maintain its earlier theme of sorrow and of finding peace despite it.
('माइल्ड द मिस्ट अपॉन द हिल' की दूसरी कविता में, कविता अपने कथावाचक के रूप में सेवा करने के लिए एक चरित्र का परिचय देती है, और कथन प्रस्तुत करने के लिए यह एक असामान्य जगह है। आम तौर पर, एक कविता तीसरे व्यक्ति और पहले व्यक्ति के दृष्टिकोण के बीच बिल्कुल भी बदलाव नहीं करेगी, और यदि ऐसा होता है, तो यह आमतौर पर केवल एक कविता के बाद ऐसा नहीं करेगी। पीछे देखने पर, पहली कविता अब एक दुखी व्यक्ति की टिप्पणियों की तरह लगती है, जो कई संभावित चीजों में से किसी एक पर प्रतिबिंबित या विलाप करती है।
     पहली कविता के उनके अवलोकन से उन्हें यह कल्पना होने लगी कि वे फिर से एक बच्चे हैं, अपने पिता के घर के अंदर, जिसे "आश्रय छत" के रूप में वर्णित किया गया है। यह ब्रोंटे द्वारा शब्दों का एक दिलचस्प चयन है - "घर," "घर," "सुरक्षा," और कई अन्य शब्दों का समान प्रभाव हो सकता है।
     हालाँकि, "आश्रय" शब्द का उपयोग, वक्ता की ओर से एक आवश्यकता, एक आंतरिक इच्छा: सुरक्षित महसूस करने की आवश्यकता का सुझाव देता है। ब्रोंटे के शब्दों का चयन इसे व्यक्त करने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है - उदाहरण के लिए, कविता की शुरुआत "ओ" से होती है, और यहां तक ​​कि "पुराने" हॉल के दरवाजे का वर्णन करने से विवरण का एक स्तर जुड़ जाता है जो लालसा का संकेत देता है। वक्ता द्वारा रखे गए सरल दृष्टिकोण के बारे में कुछ बात उन्हें उदासीन और असुरक्षित दोनों महसूस कराती है, हालांकि कविता इसके बावजूद दुःख और शांति पाने के अपने पहले के विषय को बरकरार रखती है।)

Explanation of Stanza Three

I watch this cloudy evening fall
After a day of rain;
Blue mists, sweet mists of summer pall
The horizon’s mountain chain.

The third verse continues from where the second one left off and sees the narrator continuing to imagine their childhood, watching, near the old hall door, the same sight they are seeing in the present day that’s caused this melancholy flashback. While the description of the natural world here alludes heavily to the same sight as described in the first verse, Brontë’s word choice, along with her choice of what to describe the scene, sets this apart significantly from “mild the mist upon the hill.” For one thing. the mist is described as “blue” and “sweet,” giving the phenomenon a pleasant color, as well as a positive description (respectively).
     The “pall” of the fog, normally a world with negative connotations, is prefixed with the word “summer” which gives the entire verse a pleasant, sunny kind of feeling. The additional description of the mountain chain and horizon adds to this significantly. The entire verse is being dedicated to describing the same idea as the one that introduced the poem through the eyes of a child.
No child, of course, would see a misty morning and think that the day has taken a break from weeping, and so it makes sense that the third verse focuses a great deal more on positive physical descriptions than emotional connotations and metaphoric meaning.
(तीसरी कविता वहीं से जारी रहती है जहां से दूसरी समाप्त हुई थी और वर्णनकर्ता को अपने बचपन की कल्पना करना जारी रखा, पुराने हॉल के दरवाजे के पास, वही दृश्य जो वे वर्तमान समय में देख रहे हैं, जो इस उदास फ़्लैशबैक का कारण बना। जबकि यहां प्राकृतिक दुनिया का वर्णन पहली कविता में वर्णित उसी दृश्य की ओर इशारा करता है, ब्रोंटे की शब्द पसंद, साथ ही दृश्य का वर्णन करने के लिए उसकी पसंद, इसे "पहाड़ी पर धुंध को हल्का करने" से काफी अलग करती है। एक चीज के लिए। धुंध को "नीला" और "मीठा" के रूप में वर्णित किया गया है, जो घटना को एक सुखद रंग देता है, साथ ही एक सकारात्मक विवरण भी देता है (क्रमशः)।
     कोहरे का "पतलापन", आम तौर पर नकारात्मक अर्थों वाली दुनिया, "ग्रीष्म" शब्द के पहले जुड़ा होता है जो पूरी कविता को एक सुखद, धूप जैसा एहसास देता है। पर्वत श्रृंखला और क्षितिज का अतिरिक्त विवरण इसमें महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देता है। पूरी कविता उसी विचार का वर्णन करने के लिए समर्पित की जा रही है जिसने कविता को एक बच्चे की आंखों के माध्यम से पेश किया था।
बेशक, कोई भी बच्चा धुंध भरी सुबह नहीं देखेगा और यह नहीं सोचेगा कि दिन ने रोने से छुट्टी ले ली है, और इसलिए यह समझ में आता है कि तीसरी कविता भावनात्मक अर्थों और रूपक अर्थ की तुलना में सकारात्मक भौतिक विवरणों पर अधिक ध्यान केंद्रित करती है।)

Explanation of Stanza Four

The damp stands on the long green grass
As thick as morning’s tears,
And dreamy scents of fragrance pass
That breathe of other years.

One of the most interesting aspects of the fourth verse is that the narrator is once again absent, and the reader instead experiences another third-person observation of the scene. This makes it very difficult to tell — is the speaker viewing the scene through their eyes in the present, or through their eyes in the past? That the dew is once again described as “morning’s tears” suggests the former, while the “dreamy scents” suggest the latter. This verse instead appears to combine the two perspectives, and imagine each individual strand of “long green grass” as giving off the scent of “other years.”
     The abstract nature of this verse gives the poem a very open-ended conclusion, and the combined perspectives offered to contribute to this. The first line of the verse describes the scene physically; the second line describes it from a more dreary perspective; the third line provides a more positive outlook, and the final line is of a very neutral tone. One potential meaning could be that each strand of grass represents a potential path for the future to take for the child; alternatively, it could simply be a reinforcement of the idea of how much better life was when those years were still ahead.
     The final verse effectively encompasses themes of sadness, of innocence in childhood, and of trying to break away from hardships, if only temporarily. The story being told here is more thematic than realistic, and it seems likely that this was Brontë’s intention, to describe a state of being more so than to tell a story, and her descriptions in ‘Mild the Mist Upon the Hill’ are very well-conveyed and described in such a way as to enable the reader to take part in feeling this story alongside its author. 
(चौथी कविता के सबसे दिलचस्प पहलुओं में से एक यह है कि वर्णनकर्ता एक बार फिर अनुपस्थित है, और पाठक को दृश्य के किसी अन्य तीसरे व्यक्ति के अवलोकन का अनुभव होता है। इससे यह बताना बहुत मुश्किल हो जाता है - क्या वक्ता वर्तमान में अपनी आँखों से दृश्य देख रहा है, या अतीत में अपनी आँखों से? ओस को एक बार फिर "सुबह के आँसू" के रूप में वर्णित किया गया है, जो पूर्व का सुझाव देता है, जबकि "सपने देखने वाली सुगंध" बाद का सुझाव देती है। इसके बजाय यह कविता दो दृष्टिकोणों को जोड़ती हुई प्रतीत होती है, और "लंबी हरी घास" के प्रत्येक व्यक्तिगत स्ट्रैंड को "अन्य वर्षों" की गंध देते हुए कल्पना करती है।
     इस कविता की अमूर्त प्रकृति कविता को एक बहुत ही खुला निष्कर्ष देती है, और संयुक्त दृष्टिकोण इसमें योगदान देने की पेशकश करते हैं। कविता की पहली पंक्ति दृश्य का भौतिक वर्णन करती है; दूसरी पंक्ति इसे और अधिक नीरस परिप्रेक्ष्य से वर्णित करती है; तीसरी पंक्ति अधिक सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण प्रदान करती है, और अंतिम पंक्ति बहुत तटस्थ स्वर की है। एक संभावित अर्थ यह हो सकता है कि घास का प्रत्येक कतरा बच्चे के भविष्य के लिए एक संभावित मार्ग का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है; वैकल्पिक रूप से, यह केवल इस विचार का सुदृढीकरण हो सकता है कि जब वे वर्ष अभी बाकी थे तब जीवन कितना बेहतर था।
     अंतिम कविता प्रभावी रूप से उदासी, बचपन में मासूमियत और कठिनाइयों से दूर होने की कोशिश के विषयों को शामिल करती है, भले ही अस्थायी रूप से। यहां बताई जा रही कहानी यथार्थवादी से अधिक विषयगत है, और ऐसा लगता है कि यह ब्रोंटे का इरादा था, एक कहानी बताने से ज्यादा किसी स्थिति का वर्णन करना, और 'माइल्ड द मिस्ट अपॉन द हिल' में उनका वर्णन बहुत अच्छा है। -इस तरह से संप्रेषित और वर्णित किया गया है कि पाठक इस कहानी को इसके लेखक के साथ महसूस करने में भाग ले सके।)

Textual questions:

Exercise 1

Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:

(1) The mist was upon the
(a) grass
(b) roof
(c) hill ✔
(d) leaf
(2) The sorrow of the day is described as
(a) silent ✔
(b) terrible
(c) overwhelming
(d) little
(3) The hall door mentioned in the poem is
(a) new
(b) large
(c) broken
(d) old ✔
(4) The poet watches the cloudy
(a) morning
(b) evening ✔
(c) afternoon
(d) night
(5) The colour of the mist is
(a) grey
(b) white
(c) yellow
(d) blue ✔
(6) The damp stands on the
(a) wall
(b) floor
(c) bush
(d) grass ✔

Exercise 2

Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:

(1) Where does the poet see herself when she thinks of her childhood?
Ans:- When the poet thinks of her childhood, she sees himself beneath his father’s sheltering roof and near the old hall door.

(2) What did the poet watch on the ‘cloudy evening'?
Ans:- On the cloudy evening fall, the poet watched the blue and sweet mists on the horizon’s mountain chain.

Grammar in Use:

Exercise 3

Identify the following sentences as simple, compound and complex:

(i) He is too short to climb the wall.
Ans:- simple
(ii) The sky was blue and the sun shone bright.
Ans:- compound
(iii) The old man who lived in a village believed that the earth was flat.
Ans:- complex
(iv) Leaving a job midway is not a good practice.
Ans:- simple
(v) Last week I met a friend who gave me a bag which is brown in colour.
Ans:- complex

Exercise 4

Do as directed:

(i) The question was so easy that everyone could answer it. (Change into a simple sentence)
Ans:- The question was too easy to answer.
(ii) A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Change into a complex sentence)
Ans:- A friend who is in need is the friend indeed.
(iii) Pollution is one of the most severe threats to our beautiful planet. (Change into a compound sentence)
Ans:- Our planet is beautiful but it faces one of the most severe threats from pollution.
(iv) Do or die. (change into a complex sentence)
Ans:- Unless you do,you will die.
(v) He was confused and stopped working. (Change into a simple sentence)
Ans:- Being confused he stopped working.


Exercise 5

Write a letter within 100 words to the Headmaster/ Headmistress of your school seeking leave of two days for the purpose of attending the marriage ceremony of your elder sister.

The Headmaster/Headmistress,
Kheshira High School,
Malda, West Bengal
Sub: Leave of absence
     I beg to state that I, Sunirban Jha, is an obedient student of your school. I read in class-IX, section B and my roll number is 28.
With due respect I inform you that I will not be able to attend my class from 05.08.2020 to 06.08.2020. I wish to go home to attend the marriage ceremony of my elder sister.
     So, therefore, I request you to grant my leave of absence for those two days only so that I can attend the marriage ceremony of my elder sister.
Thanking You.
Yours sincerely,
Sunirban Jha
Vill+p.o- Kheshira

Exercise 6

Suppose you had bought a book from a bookstore. By mistake you left it there instead of bringing it back with you. Providing details of the book and its author, write a letter within 100 words to the owner of the store to find the book and keep it until you come to collect it.

Mr. Sanju Aggarwal
Aggarwal Book Stall,
Salt Lake,
Subject : A book was left at the shop, after purchasing
Dear Sir,
     With the respect, I would like to state, that I am a regular customer of your bookshop. I usually go to your store for purchasing different kinds of book. I am writing this letter to make you know of my book that I did not bring with me after purchasing it.
     Yesterday, I visited the store and purchased a novel of Rabindranath Tagore named ‘Chokher Bali’. I had paid rupees two hundred for it. Suddenly, when I was paying the bill, I got a urgent call. I had to leave the store in a rush and forgot to take the book from the counter.
     So, therefore, I request you to take necessary step so that I may get the opportunity to get back my most desired book as early as possible.
Thanking you, 
Yours faithfully,
Sougata Ghosh
Goria, Kolkata


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The North Ship || Class 9 || Lesson 9 || All Stanza || Text || || Explanations || Summary || Hindi Translation || Word Meaning || Solution || Extra Question ||

Class 9  Lesson 9 The North Ship The author and the text: Philip Larkin Philip Arther Larkin ( 1922 - 1985) was a renowned English poet and ...

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