Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The Great Escape (Class 8) by - Sugata Bose

The Great Escape 


by - Sugata Bose

The Wanderor

Textual Questions:

Activity - 1

Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order and put the numbers in the given boxes:

(1) Subhas and Sisir chose the Wanderer for their journey. VI

(2) Sisir entered Subhas's bedroom that December afternoon. I

(3) The police were keeping a watch on Subhas's house. IV

(4) Sisir was to help plan and carry out Subhas's escape from India. II

(5) Subhas's nephew helped him listen to foreign broadcasts. V

(6) Sisir walked back to his own house in a state of wonder and excitement. III

Activity - 2

Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

(a) On a December afternoon, Sisir, Subhas’s nephew, entered Subhas’s bedroom. 

(b) The task that Subhas gave Sisir was to help plan and carry out Subhas’s escape from India.

(c) 1, Woodburn Park was the residence of Sisir Kumar Bose.

(d) The escape plan of Subhas and Sisir was to drive out, in the most natural fashion, through the main gate.

Activity - 4

Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statements in the given boxes. Give supporting statements for each of your answers:

(a) Akbar Shah operated in the north-eastern frontier provinces. F

S.S. - He operated in the north-western provinces.

(b) The items of clothing for Subhas's disguise were purchased from a shop in South Kolkata. F

S.S. - Together they went to a shop in Central Calcutta where they purchased baggy shalwars trousers and a black fez for Subhas’s disguise.

(c) Everyone in Subhas's family was aware of his plan of escape. F

S.S. - None of the family members knew anything except Subhas’s niece Lila and a male cousin, Dawijen.

(d) The policemen preferred warm blankets on the cool, winter night of 16th January. T

S.S. - On the cool winter night of January 16th, they had preferred that comfort of the warm blankets on the charpoi.

Activity - 5

Answer the following questions:

(a) What items were purchased for Subhas to be carried with him on his journey?

Ans :- Baggy shalwars, a black fez, a suitcase, a bedroll, shirts and pillows.

(b) What was the real identity of Muhammad Ziauddin?

Ans :- Muhammad Ziauddin was Subhas Candra Bose in reality.

(c) Why do you think Subhas had to put on a false identity?

Ans :- Subhas Chandra Bose definitely wanted to escape from his house arrest in any way.  

Activity - 6

Fill in the following chart with information from the text:



(i) Subhas and Sisir tip-toed

down the back stairs

They wanted to keep their plan secret from other family members and to avoid the police.

(ii) The light glowed in Subhas's bedroom

They wanted to give the impression that Subhas was still in his room.

(iii) Subhas and Sisir shared a few anxious moments.

The car engine faltered.

(iii) Subhas and Sisir shared a few anxious moments.

Subhas wanted to catch the Delhi-Kalka Mail.

Activity - 7

Answer the following questions:

(a) In which direction did Sisir drive after leaving Elgin Road?

Ans :- Sisir drove the car towards Howrah Bridge. 

(b) Who was Ashok? How did he help in Subhas's escape?

Ans :- Ashok was Sisir’s brother.

Subhas Chandra Bose stayed a little time in Ashok’s house during his escape from India. 

(c) Describe Sisir's last sight of Subhas.

Ans :- Sisir watched him mount the railway overbridge and walk across it with his usual majestic gait.

 (d) Why did Sisir pick Subhas up in his car a little further from Ashok's house?

Ans :- Ashok did not know the real identity of Subhas. He knew Subhas as Muhammad Ziauddin. To keep the identity of Subhas secret, Sisir picked up Subhas in his car a little further from Ashok’s house.

Activity - 8(a)

In the following sentences, underline the words that act like verbs and take objects :

(i) He likes to play badminton.
(ii) His habit is to read the newspaper daily.
(iii) Her greatest pleasure is to dance.



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